Thursday, August 30, 2007

Today was a nice day. Strangely, I got less sleep than usual last night (6 hours). Nevertheless, I was well prepared for class and attentive. Our last lecturer of the morning was an older German fellow who screeched on and on about autonomic nervous system receptor agonists and antagonists. While I appreciate the effort one puts into such theatrics, a wild display is not necessary for me to enjoy or appreciate the lecturer. However, I demand that a lecturer stress material that s/he feels is important.

Benjamin has been pretty wild lately. He likes to grab his little mop and broom, one in each hand and run around waving them in the air. He hates sitting still. Even more than sitting still, he hates being quiet. Unless he is banging on something with something else, he is always yelling. Having said that, (and here I risk beshriving his good fortune) it's been a long time since he fell down and got a big bruise on his face.

I clipped May's fingernails tonight before she went to bed. She doesn't always like getting her nails clipped. I always like doing things to the kids that are good for them, but that they don't like. It helps me feel like I'm getting even with them for the terrific amount of work they make me do. May doesn't like getting her hair washed or getting her nails clipped, so, of course, I like helping her with those tasks of hygiene. May has lately turned the corner on getting her nails clipped. She still doesn't like it, but she acquiesces without much fuss now. She comes and sits on my lap and we discuss which finger is getting its nail clipped, that finger's unique job, and why each finger, even the little one, is important. Even though I don't get to feel like I'm taking revenge on her for being my daughter, I still enjoy the care taking involved in clipping her finger nails. It's funny how that's changed for me.

Yesterday, I lifted weights, and bumped up my bench press weight to 135 lbs. I did one set of eight and one set of nine. I thought I'd be really sore today, and my back is a little sore, but not that bad. I think this year I'm going to try to lift twice a week, run once a week, and do yoga once a week. We'll see....

I made BBQ burgers tonight with corn and string beans.

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