Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This morning Benjamin had a procedure done in which the ophthamologist opens his tear duct, which has been clogged - causing continuous gunky-eye. The procedure went fine, but afterwards he was very wobbly (from anesthetic) and has been crabby all day. My job has been to keep May out of his way. Even though I don't think she's any more likely than usual to damage her brother's eyes, she has the potential to hit him in a new weak spot.

May and I took the car to get an oil change, browsed at the Italian deli, Severino's, got some ice cream, and then went and got her hair cut. May has a particular stylist she goes to at the Hair Cuttery who does a great job. Right now, May is trying to use the potty. If she's succesful, we'll play video games from the Curious George website.

While May and I were out running errands, Ben was home with Jill. He got up from a *very* long nap and Jill let him run around without a diaper on. Ben promptly relived himself in both ways. Ben hasn't been feeling well lately and has a bit of diarhea. His waste splashed on the floor in every direction and he promptly splashed himself into it, through it, and around the living room. It took Jill a long time to get things cleaned up. That must have happened while May and I were at the ice cream shop. May had vanilla custard. I had vanilla custard topped with lemon flavored Italian water ice (a local treat; called a 'gelati').

Loyal blog readers will know that my cousin gave me some suits. I tried to get one altered to fit me, but the tailor told me the suit was too big. It would have cost almost as much as a new suit to get it fit, and it would never look quite right (pocket would be too low, coat would be too long, etc). As it turns out, my cousins rehearsal dinner is a picnic, so I probably don't need a second suit. Instead, I'll go in a shirt and tie to the rehearsal.

Tonight I will ride my excercycle and read my biochemistry review book while Jill attends the Junior Women's Drinking Club of Collingswood. Last night I installed a magical garbage can which hides under the sink and rolls out of its den on silent wheels when called upon to store our trash.


Anonymous said...

I am horrified for my friend Jill. Shout it out? SPray'n'Wash? Buy a new, new house?

almondprincess said...

Ice cream and bodily waste. Well done.