Sunday, July 15, 2007

Join me in celebrating the overthrow of the French despotic monarchy three hundred years ago. though there were no (or almost none) prisoners being held in the Bastille when it was torn down, the destruction of this monarchist political prison is the symbolic event that represents the advent of the French republic. Vive La France!

We went to a Bastille Day party down the street at the house of our friends, Keith and Chris. The rule was - you get to drink one bottle of french wine for every child you bring to the party. I drank two. Keith drank four. May took a nap before the party, so I stayed later and left at nine with her. Jill left early (eight-ish) with Ben.

I hate talking to people now, because they always ask 'what do you do?' Then, I have to admit that I'm a full time student. Fortunately, Keith told a lot of people my ridiculous life story, and after that, and the requisite wine, I was able to relax and be social.

We brought an onion tart to the party. I got the recipe out of my 'Recipes from Provence' cookbook. It turned out amazingly well. It's a savory tart.

We filled up the kiddie pool and the neighbor girl, Janee, came over and played with the kids. Janee is eight years old, very nice, very polite, and very respectful. May spent a lot of time teasing her today.

Tonight, just as I finished watering the plants and flowers in the yard, it began raining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.