Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Last night, at 9:30, I went for a run. I ran down by the river. I wore two t-shirts and some sweat pants. It was a little chilly and my hands were cold. I listened to a lecture on 'opportunistic fungal infections' - pretty bad stuff. I had a great run. I ran faster than I ever have before, and on the way back I was running without thinking about it at all and feeling great. It was like I was floating above the ground or having an out-of-body experience.

I have an exam on Friday and am very tired.

Tonight I came up with a new name for my daughter, The Great Negotiator. She's watching a Winnie The Pooh singing video while I type.

El Destructo has been climbing a lot lately. He pushes a chair over to the kitchen counter and is threatening to climb on top of it.

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