Thursday, September 06, 2007

Yesterday on the train I rode home next to a guy with lots of tattoos on his arms. He looked middle age, though he was a heavy smoker and sometimes that gives you an early worn appearance. He got a call on his cell phone and told his friend, Gary, that he was riding the speedline home. He was wearing a t-shirt with a front pocket, blue jeans, and newer tennis shoes.

I had an argument with another med student this week. He accused Hillary Clinton of killing Vince Foster, which threw me into a rage. I don't think I called him stupid, but I think I did say that this idea was ridiculous and stupid. Then I said that I did believe in a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and accused him of being a member. This particular student is both arrogant and naive, which is an unusual combination of obnoxious personality traits.

That night when I got home, I looked up Vince Foster on wikipedia and they presented some compelling evidence. Read for yourself:

As you can tell, I'm still angry about this. If this yahoo brings this up again, I'll mention the evidence of VF's suicide presented in wikipedia, and acknowledge that he doesn't necessarily need to believe in the evidence, but if he doesn't faith in logic and reason, maybe he should continue to study at a more faith based university, like maybe Oral Roberts University, and leave reason and logic to those more gifted with rational thought processes.

My new workout plan is to exercise hard every day. I want to either be working out or sore from working out.

Sadly, earlier this week I lost my coffee thermos. I will need to shell out twenty or thirty bucks for a new one. Fortunately, I found the exact same model that my friend Tony gave me years ago. It's a good thermos that keeps the coffee warm all day. Here is a product description from

Nissan Travel Companion Stainless-Steel Insulated Bottle
Product Features
  • Keeps beverages hot or cold for hours
  • Holds nearly 26 ounces
  • Easy, no-drip pouring without removing stopper
  • Hand wash with mild detergent
  • Five-year warranty against defects
I definitely want the 26 ounce model. Bigger than one cup, but not so big as to be unwieldy.

Benjamin has been pushing chairs around for a long time, however, today he figured out that if you push a chair over to the table, kitchen counter, or refrigerator you can climb onto the chair and access previously unreachable and forbidden areas. My cousin told me a few months ago that a friend of his told him, "Having a girl first does not prepare you for having a boy." True words, but bitter, bitter.

May was playing with her stuffed animals on the couch and beside her was her empty rocket ship (a larger basket). Ben brought his toy mop over and began to put it into the basket and began to mop. May was very upset and they fought. I settled the quarrel by explaining that Ben was only mopping out the rocket ship so it would be ready for her to fly to the moon. May told me, "Good. My animals have been pooping in the rocket ship and it needs to be cleaned."

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