Sunday, April 04, 2010

So we've been getting rid of stuff and getting ready for the move. Also Jill's parents have been out helping us get the house ready to sell. The kids had been sleeping on the air mattress and had a good time jumping on it one afternoon. The air mattress was ruined after that and won't hold any more air. I was disappointed in myself for letting the kids jump on the mattress. "I guess we'll have to throw it out," I moped.

El Destructo, ever the optimist, pipes in, "we're going to need to buy a bigger trash can!"

We were talking about where the kids got their names at the table the other day and May turns to her brother and says, "You were named after a bridge, and I was named after an old, old lady."

The kids and I went fishing with our friend Pete the other day. We had a great time and the fish didn't swallow even one hook - they were all released back alive. Unfortunately for me, I pulled a muscle in my tush while standing around doing nothing and it's been very painful. I had to take a few days off running.

I'm going to OT for my broken wrist, which is feeling better (I can type fairly well now with very little pain), it's a weird social scene, we all sit around a big table doing our exercises and making small talk.

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