Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Miraculously, the Giants squeaked by the Cowboys in the second round of the NFL playoffs on Sunday. I couldn't believe it. The Giants have no real running back, no defense, and an-occaisionally-passable-brother-of-a-great-quarterback. In a rare freak event, the Packers will host them Sunday at 6:30 EST.

I try to prepare myself for disappointment, but it's hard not to be optimistic. The Packers had ABSOLUTELY NO CHANCE going down to Dallas to play on astroturf before Jerry Jones' God. Dallas really has some legitimate talent, too. Their QB is the real deal, Romo is not brother-of-the-real-deal.

The Packers stumbled ass backwards into a great season. They got some new rookies, Jones WR, and their defense has really come together. They have a couple of no-name running backs that seem to be kicking serious ass, and they've managed to cling to their two excellent tackles and rebuild the interior of their O line. The D line, with no stars save the over-hyped KGB, seems to be playing well too. Brett Favre has more than one receiver who can catch the ball, and even a few who are fast.

I honestly cannot believe this situation. As you may be able to tell, I'm trying to gear up for a major disappointment.

Go Pack Go!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My condolences, Sam.

The Packers never looked comfortable on offense. The Giants deserved it, but it still sucks.