Tuesday, February 09, 2010

On Sat., after finishing shoveling my walk and that of the neighbors', I slipped on the ice and broke my wrist (Colle fracture). After breaking my wrist, I went to the ER and got a splint and some percocet. Then, I promptly updated my FB status. Unfortunately, I misspelled the type of wrist fracture I have. People in medicine thought I was an idiot, for those outside of the field, I'm sure there remains little doubt.

For those who notice irony, I'm in the process of re-scheduling my ER rotations...

I went to the Orthopod today and he had to "reduce" my fracture. A "reduction" is when you cram broken bones back together and take an xray afterwards to see if the bones are lined up any better. My orthopod and I were both pleased with the results of the reduction (which hurt slightly less than the original fracture) and the lines of flow in my current xray are much more parallel and straight. My fingers also move more freely, and, in general, I am in less pain after this horrifically painful intervention.

I was proud of myself for not screaming during the reduction. I was hoping that the orthopod and his assistant would be trembling in fear that I would leap off the table and eviscerate them after the procedure, but Jill, who witnessed, said I wasn't all that fearsome except that I went extremely pale and appeared to be likely to vomit.

I had a classic "East Coast" encounter with the receptionist. Mon. morning, early I called the orthopod office and left a message explaining the situation: slipped & fell, broken wrist, ER, yadda yadda yadda. Naturally, I was ignored - I mean - why would they return *my* call? So I went to the office to try to see someone.

The receptionist *freaked out*. "You can't just walk in here! You can't just see a doctor!" I was able to convince her to allow me to make an appointment to see a doctor, but just barely, "If there were anyone else in the waiting room, I would not be allowed to schedule an appointment for you! Because of the privacy laws! This should all be handled over the telephone!" (total BS, by the way. Restricting patients from making appointments is the most ridiculous and utterly heinous mis-interpretation of HIPPA I have ever seen - AND I HAVE SEEN MANY!) Finally, this crazy lady, after noticing my splint, made me an appointment and had to reluctantly admit, "The doctor may see you today when he gets out of surgery. He does have a few slots for emergencies."

After my reduction today, I was told to make a followup for xrays in one week. I stood in front of this crazy lady's desk for a minute or two while she sighed like George Castanza and shuffled medical records back and forth. Finally I worked up my courage and said, "Can I make my follow-up appointment now, or do I have to leave the office and call you?"

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