Friday, February 05, 2010

It's the heart of the tax season which means Jill is working a lot and I am going to bed early and working on my blog. I fed the kids macaroni and cheese tonight - which they love. I gave them green peas for their vegetable. Ben ate two peas, which is not enough for him to get desert, but certainly enough for him to gag theatrically upon.

May told him, "You should eat your peas - anything is good as long as it has butter and salt on it!"

Ben has a new bad habit which is, even by my relatively lax standards, utterly revolting. He takes the toilet plunger and runs around the house sticking it to walls and using it to pick things up.

I told him, "Don't play with that! It's only for unclogging the toilet."

He replies, "But I want to clog the toilet!"

"You'll have to wait until you're a little bit older."

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