Monday, February 04, 2008

This morning, May woke us up and came into our bedroom. She does this most mornings, but today she told me, "It was dark when I came into your room, I saw a scary shadow, which turned out to be a pile of clothes. But I knew I would be OK because you were here."

My presence may be reassuring to her, but not to our toilet. I broke the toilet yesterday, but was pleased to find that Jill and Ben fixed it while I was at school. I felt so bad about breaking the toilet that I fixed the screen door. The spring that slows the closing of the screen door was cracking the frame. I inched the spring over to cover the crack and reattached the mounting of the spring to the door frame in such a way as to avoid a further splitting of the door frame and a reinforcement of the cracked surface. I was very proud of myself as it only took me about 15 minutes (with Jill's help at some critical junctures) and I didn't have to go to the hardware store.

Benjamin was kind of naughty tonight. He kept turning off the water as I was trying to fill the bathtub. Finally, I warned him that if he turned off the water again, I would have to put him in his crib while the tub was filling. He wasn't angry about going into his crib. He made some noises, "mama mama mama." Then, when I got him out, he was willing to let the tub fill.

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