Wednesday, October 03, 2007

So, there are not a lot of dentists that take our health insurance. We managed to find one dentist in a nearby, rundown neighborhood, called Camden. Camden is a predominantly African American neighborhood with few economic and real estate opportunities. Consequently, people call it a "bad" neighborhood, or, my favorite epithet, "America's most dangerous city." While it's true that a few bystanders were victims of a crossfire in a shooting a few weeks ago, it seems there is a chance of being shot anywhere in the Philadelphia area: a crazy nut opened fire on a bus driver and his passengers last week.

Our new dentist is a fascinating man. He's in the army reserve and has a masters degree in public health. I wasn't aware that dentists ever got MPH degrees as dental schools don't put much emphasis on social justice or public service. Our dentist, who could open an office anywhere, is obviously a guy who is trying to do his part to improve Camden. I think his practice is just starting as he sometimes has to answer the phone himself.

Anyway, Jill took May to the dentist in Camden last week. May is always used to being cute and getting whatever she wants. She threw a toy and hit an older African American woman in the hair. Jill asked her not to do that, but May persisted with various antics. May continued to struggle to get attention, and began lifting her shirt up. Jill asked her again to stop. Finally, an older African American woman stepped in and told May sternly, "You put your shirt down NOW!" Naturally, May obeyed.

Jill and May had to wait a long time to see the dentist. While they were waiting, a pair of older gentlemen spent some time de-constructing The Martha Stewart Show, which was playing on the office TV.

One of them said, "This is a crazy show. What's going on with this?"

"I don't know. She has this show that tells you how to do things you already know how to do. I've seen one show where she shows you how to fold laundry and another where she shows you how to set the table. Crazy show. It must be for stupid people." The other gentleman replied.

Neither gentleman commented on Martha's fake-new-england accent, nor on her empire built on selling hand towels to white folks.

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