Monday, April 02, 2007

Tomorrow, early, we begin the long drive from Philadelphia to New Bern, NC to visit my Aunt and Uncle and my mother's parents. It should be 8-12 hours driving with the kids. We're also visiting Jill's cousin. It's a lot of driving in a short amount of time, but my goal is to save money, visit some family, and get my wife out of the house.

News on the kids.

A few days ago, May broke several rules at the same time. She climbed up on her play kitchen table and tinkled on her gushy fish pillow. Jill caught her doing this, as of course a display like that is not meant to be discrete, and May cackled like a witch.

Ben has been very busy. He is trying like hell to climb the stairs. Today, Jill and May went upstairs and Ben and I were downstairs. He got to the edge of the stairs, tried to climb, and screamed in bitter frustration.

I made a rice pudding to bring to my Aunt and Uncle in north carolina.

My back hurts from being busy today and running yesterday. Good news: my shorts from last summer still fit.

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