Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today on the train I noticed a guy was reading a printout about cheerleading. I couldn't help but read over his shoulder. Apparently, this professional cheerleader (she worked for one of the NFL teams) had worked at NASA and then went on to work as a cheerleader. The article tried to draw a lot of analogies between the two professions. It was hilarious, but in an unintentional and derisive manner.

Yesterday on the train I noticed a woman using her rosary. The Philadelphia area is a lot more catholic than Wisconsin. It's a little shocking, but not altogether unpleasant. The catholics in the area have a long and strong history of social service and activism. Of course, they have a strong anti-choice bent, but, no one's perfect.

Benjamin played a new game today. He climbs up onto his sister's bed, then sits on the edge, dangling his feet over the edge. Then, sliding forward, he jumps off the bed and lands on his feet. After squealing and running around the room, he climbs up onto the bed and does it again. On a completely different subject, he is on a strict cheese and hot dog diet.

Tonight, before bedtime, May and I played 'princess video game.' We made a princess and named her Princess Daddy. May told me that Princess Daddy had flat, blue eyes and wore glasses. When it was time to pick a body for Princess Daddy, we assigned a short, fat body. Princess Daddy got a red dress with hearts on it, a big blond wig, and bows down the front of her shirt. Later on in the evening, she told me, "I've been watching Fox News."


Rokeach said...

Sam, I agree with your sentiments re Catholics. I spent too long being lonesome on my team for perfect people.
I'll even let May on my team, even though she watches Fox.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she caught Bill O'Reilly wearing that dress and then assigned it to Princess Daddy.