Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Let me first say that I'm very sorry I haven't posted in a long, long time. I'm on my surgery rotation and it's very difficult to find the time to do things.

Since my last post, Ben has developed an obsession with super heroes. He must wear at all times a cape, a spiderman costume (or at least clothes with spiderman on them, if the costume is soiled), a spiderman sword (not that spiderman usually carries one...), and a spiderman flashlight. The flashlight is pretty cool, actually, instead of a regular light patter, it displays a face of spiderman. I brought it to a party last weekend and kept blasting people with it. It was almost as big a hit as my story about the time I ate deep-fried scorpions.

Anyway, my friend from school picks me up yesterday to drive me to the children's hospital in Delaware for a series of lectures from the pediatric urologist and runs into my kids while I'm packing up my lunch. He asks my daughter, "So is your brother interested in superheroes?"

May replies, "Sure, he likes superman and batman."
Mike asks, "What about spiderman? Does he like spiderman?"
May answers, "Obviously, he does. He's wearing a spiderman costume, isn't he?"


Rokeach said...

Arranged marriage. It's the only answer for girls who're getting too big for their britches.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember saying that. Or bringing you to Delaware.